Chicken Tenders and BBQ Sauce
Once upon a time before children, I had a social life and carried a purse, instead of a diaper bag. I went to movies . . . and stayed awake for the whole entire show! I went white water rafting …...
View ArticlePure Maple Syrup and Our Favorite Saturday Morning Pancakes
Right at this very moment, if you were to drive through any small town in rural New Hampshire, you would notice buckets hanging from trees, or a network of pale blue tubing twisting through someone’s...
View ArticleDIY: Pure Maple Candy
When I was in 4th grade, I read Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder. The scene that has stayed with me since then was the one in which the Ingalls Family poured hot maple syrup into …...
View ArticleBird’s Nest Cookies
One of my favorite things about spring (besides the flowers, warm air, green grass, and blue skies!) is the birth of new life! I get excited when I discover a bird’s nest filled with beautifully...
View ArticleChocolate Easter Bunny Cookies
I have never really been a cake, pie, or brownie person. But, cookies . . . In fact, I could easily confess that I might have (in-part) chosen college based upon the cookie trays presented to...
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